Our Approach

With SmashUp Somatics, we compassionately and playfully explore the felt sense of the body in connection with emotions, with a focus on the voice, gentle movement and body awareness.

see it

Through gentle movement, we get a chance to witness and see ourselves a bit better when others give us a chance to see them as fully as possible.

hear it

Together, we’ll play with making soft, silly, and soothing sounds to expand our awareness and connection to ourselves and others.

feel it

As we each take chances and risks, and notice the care and trust of the co-facilitators and the group, our ability to feel our experiences increases and thus expanding our knowledge and wisdom of our self and communities.

Hi, we’re Carrie and ellen, and this is smashup somatics.

At the cross roads where humaning meets healing, Carrie and Ellen found one another through the powerful movement of voice. It was this shared place of curiosity and compassion for the human experience that Carrie and Ellen knew they needed to bring this out into the world, together.

Carrie Hennessey is a way-finder through the deep, spiritual and technical discoveries of the voice. As an opera singer, vocal coach, community leader, and educator, Carrie lights a fire in those around her and is joyfully dedicated to their discovery and nurturing of their true, authentic voice in the world. 

Ellen Garavatti is a compassionate and courageous traveler of the human experience, and advocate of emotional connection. Deeply inspired by the care, healing, and growth in & through nature, animals, imagination, creativity, and relationships, Ellen is committed to bringing these avenues to the forefront of our wellness, both as individuals and a community. If you don't find Ellen singing while caring for her plants with her dog Grady by her side, or at the barn with her horse Rocky, you'll likely find her in her role as an emotional architect as an Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT #140938)